Mini Seminar Course: From Past to Present — Exploring Contemporary Art in Africa
This course explores the contemporary arts of Africa in the wake of the independence movements of the mid 20th century. We will consider work in multiple mediums including painting, sculpture, digital art, performance, installation, and text. One of our primary goals is to track the interrelationships between artistic practices and pressing societal issues. We will also consider ways in which contemporary artists experiment with new and unconventional materials – metal, cow hide, bottle caps. In addition to lectures, readings, and class discussion, we will interact with some contemporary African artists. This course assumes no prior knowledge of African art and all are welcome to attend.
Textbooks: All readings will be available on Canvas
Intended Audience: The seminar assumes no prior knowledge of African Art. All interested undergraduates are welcome to enroll.
Course Requirements: Class Attendance (20%) Class Participation (20%) Reports (30%) Readings and Discussions (30%)
Class Format: Two 80-minute seminar meetings
HISTART Concentration Distribution: Sub-Saharan Africa; Modern and Contemporary