HISTART 393-101
Undergraduate Seminar:
Detroit Artist as Activist
Meets at UM Detroit Center (3663 Woodward Ave., Detroit)
Time TBD
3 Credit Seminar

Meets Together with RCSID 370.101 (home department)

This course will explore the role the arts have played in resisting systemic inequalities, fighting injustice, and giving voice to those on the margins. We will consider the power of art as a component in social movements as well as in times of crisis. Further, we will use the study and practice of art, particularly creative writing, to deepen our understandings of and relationships to the city of Detroit and consider artistic practice as a way of healing and transforming our communities as well as ourselves.

Course Requirements: Assignments will include weekly readings and informal writing, visual and literary analyses, class leadership, and a final cumulative creative project.

Intended Audience: While open to any U-M undergraduate student, this course is part of the Semester in Detroit (SiD) program. Students interested in this class and other course topics on Detroit should consider exploring the full SiD program at www.semesterindetroit.com.

HISTART Concentration Distributions: Europe and the United States, Modern and Contemporary

Image: Sydney James, Girl with the D Earring

Meets at UM Detroit Center (3663 Woodward Ave., Detroit)