HISTART 294-003

Special Topics:
Art and Architecture of the Mediterranean World

Tappan 130
T Th 11:30am - 1:00pm
3 Credit Lecture

This course explores the art, architecture, archaeology, and material culture of the Mediterranean world from late antiquity to the early modern periods, or between the late 3rd and 18th centuries. We will study the geographies of the Mediterranean sea-including Italy, Spain, Egypt, North Africa, the Balkans, Anatolia, Holy Land, and Middle East-focusing on their rulers, kingdoms, merchants, craftsmen, pilgrims and travelers in order to explore the means and spread of artistic and architectural patronage across the area. We also will explore the role of art and architecture in the sacred and secular lives of the region's Christian, Jewish and Muslim communities. Among others, we will learn about monuments (architecture, mosaics, wall paintings), objects (ceramics, metalwares, coins, and textiles), and historical texts to better understand the artistic, cultural, and political dynamics of the pre-modern and early modern Mediterranean.

Textbooks/Other Materials: No cost for materials. All course readings and materials are available as PDFs uploaded to Canvas.

Intended Audience: All are welcome. This course is designed as a general survey of the Mediterranean for all students who are interested in learning about art, architecture, archaeology, and the material culture of the Mediterranean world.

HISTART Concentration Distributions: The Middle East, Europe, Africa, Asia, Mediterranean, Ancient, Medieval, Early Modern