Dada & Surrealism
This course examines the international movements of Dada and Surrealism within the context of European and American culture and history between 1916 and 1939. These artistic movements, which were influenced by the formal experiments of early twentieth century art and literature, redirected the self-reflexive radicalism of their artistic predecessors in new directions; namely, toward: (1) bridging the gap between art and life; (2) defining and criticizing the modern world; and (3) suggesting new forms of individual and collective subjectivity commensurate with modern life. This course will explore these developments in depth and examine Dada and Surrealist art in all its forms including painting, photomontage, collage, assemblage, performance, literature, and film.
Textbooks/Other Materials: all readings will be available in the electronic coursepack
Course Requirements: To receive credit for this class, students must compete: in-class three exams, a research paper proposal and bibliography, and an 8 to 10-page research paper. Attendance is also required, and class participation is encouraged. Unexcused absences will reduce your final grade by one-quarter of a grade for every absence.
Intended Audience: anyone welcome
Class Format: two 80-minute sessions per week; each session will be a mixture of lecture and class discussion
Estimated Cost of Materials: $0-50
HISTART Distribution Requirements: D. Europe and the US, 4. Modern and Contemporary
Keywords: film, psychology, anthropology