Museums and Society
Art of Yoga
Women in the Visual Arts: Images and Image-Makers
Art and Philosophy in the Renaissance Tradition
The Self in the Portrait
Perspectives in Recent Art
Human Rights in China from Classical Times through the 18th Century: A Historical and Cultural Survey
Anime to Zen: Exploring Japanese Art through Contemporary Popular Culture
Undergraduate Seminar: Modernist Readings of Early Modern Asian Art
Undergraduate Seminar: The Destruction of Art
Undergraduate Seminar: Good Stories: Japanese Visual Narratives
Undergraduate Seminar: City of Jerusalem in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic Culture: Paintings, Architecture, Sculpture, Photography, and Maps
Undergraduate Seminar: No Specific Medium: Twentieth-Century Art beyond Painting and Sculpture
Undergraduate Seminar: Contested Spaces: Art, Architecture, and Politics in the Americas
Undergraduate Seminar: Fakes and Forgeries
Undergraduate Seminar: Fashion/Costume/Painting
Undergraduate Seminar: Art, Science, Technology: The Human Body as Spectacle
Special Topics: God, Love, and War in Byzantine and Medieval Western Art
Special Topics: Early Modern Materiality
Special Topics: Etruscan Art and Archaeology
Special Topics: Modern Women, Modern Art