HISTART 292-001

Introduction to the History of Japanese Visual Art and Culture

BSB 1060
MW 11:30-1:00 PM
4 Credit Lecture

Cross-listed with ASIAN 292

This course takes an interdisciplinary approach to the history of Japanese visual culture, introducing the art of the archipelago from ancient times through the present day. Although primarily a chronological historical examination of key artistic monuments, the class will also discuss thematic issues such as the materiality of artworks, cultural exchange, the conceptions of nature and naturalness, and the relationships between artistic productions and religion, class, and society.

The course makes no claim to being comprehensive, and the goal of the lectures is only to introduce you to the range of artistic productions in Japan and the ways that visual art has interacted with the cultures that produced it. At the end of the semester, you should have a better understanding of many aspects of Japanese history, thought, religion, and visual culture; you should also have developed a heightened awareness of and sophistication about the visual world in general.

Textbooks/Other Materials: There is no required textbook for this class.

Course Requirements: Apart from background reading and participation in class (20%), your coursework will include section attendance (10%), one quiz (10%), one short visual analysis (20%), a mid-term exam (20%), and a final exam (20%).

Intended Audience: Students at all levels of any background are welcome to attend. There are no pre-requisites for this course.

Class Format: Two 80 minute lectures and one 50 minute section per week. Lecture meetings will generally be taken up with presentations and explanations of large numbers of images. Section meetings will discuss readings and focus on a few key images. Some class sessions will also involve group activities, museum visits, or other special work with the course material.

Estimated Cost of Materials: $0-$50

HISTART Distribution Requirements: C 2,3

Keywords: nationalism, archaeology, gender, masterpieces, Buddhism, survey, art history

This class meets the LS&A Humanities requirement.