HART 498.001

Honors Colloquium

270 Tappan
Th 10:00-1:00pm
3 Credit Seminar

A senior honors thesis in the History of Art represents the culmination of your studies in the department. This course will guide you through the year-long process, starting with the formulation of your thesis, gathering and analyzing visual and textual materials, synthesizing disparate ideas, and presenting your work in various forms. Each week will be devoted to different aspects of the thesis, with special focus on carrying out a longer-term research project and developing the analytical writing skills essential to the academic study of art history. This class is only for majors in History of Art who are planning to write an honors thesis. Before they can register, students interested in the class should contact a History of Art professor in their chosen field about their interest, and they must get permission from the instructor of the class.