This lecture/discussion course will reconsider the old question of "What's American about American Art?" by asking "when and why have people cared what's American about American Art." We will focus on a series of artistic movements-from Colonial portraiture to the reception of Abstract Impressionism during the Cold War, to Pop Art's reputation in Europe--which artists, critics, historians, or their public have claimed were uniquely American or expressed a unified national culture. By studying related issues in political, social, and cultural history (which often reveal a nation that was anything but unified), we will examine how Americans have sought to define a national identity through art. Students who have done prior work in any aspic of art history, American history, American literature, or American culture-and who are willing to do some background reading to fill in the gaps in their knowledge-are encouraged to participate. Graduate students are welcome and will be required to form a separate reading group to pursue readings in more depth. This class will include one mandatory field trip with a co-pay to view original works of art and architecture. Estimated cost of materials: $100 or more, but less than $150. IV. 4
This course fulfills the Upper Level Writing Requirement